Friday 21 July 2017

Not the only one

I jumped into the marsh where I thought I saw someone moving around. Without a thought, I pushed aside the reeds, deeper into the muddy puddles. And then I fell into a deep hole! I was surprised to find a room instead of the slimy bottom of the pond.

There was no one down in this tiny room. It seemed to be made from a hollowed log... I suspect some type of magic was keeping this room empty of water. The floating books and self-sweeping broom confirmed my suspicions. But I still didn't know who I'd seen or where they disappeared to. I checked the desks and paper for any evidence of why this room exists.

There on the desk was another shining gem. I'm no longer surprised by where these little things show up. They really are abundant in Willowvale. Under the gem was a note, which seemed to be written about its author. He or she appears to be in trouble and left this note to protect themselves and their findings... I won't reveal what was inside the note, for their safety of course. But I can say where it led me...

I found my way out of the hole in the marsh bottom.

And followed the trail this mysterious person left. It led me eventually to a glowing rune stone. I did not know what I would find on the other side of this seemingly ancient petroglyph...

So I braced myself, found my courage, and trudged past it.

I cannot begin to describe what I found, not in any language I know. It was truly one of the most beautiful physical space I've been, mostly because of the non-physical elements of it. It felt like pure joy and love and belongingness. And then I saw them...

Three bright figures, blooming and emitting, surrounding me in physical formation and in blanketing feelings.

I could only snap this one photo before my equipment malfunctioned. 

They are the Mothers of Willowvale. While I don't know much of mother figures, I know that these mothers are caring and wise and encouraging. They made me feel even more at home in this new land. And they were able to clear up some of those nagging questions I've been asking. But I can't reveal too much in this journal. They trusted me with information that is not for everyone.

One thing they told me became very apparent when I left that majestic place: I'm not the only one searching for gems anymore! And, Willowvale is coming to life!

Those weird signs that lined the path when I first got here are now covered with new tapestry and goods! Like in a market, there are booths with all sorts of things for sale. It was along the main path that I started running into people, purchasing items from these booths. I started observing them, asking them questions. They said they were called to Willovale! They said they felt it, the pull to come here. And now, they were staying to search for gems too!

There were people of all sorts and they were everywhere. 

They were coming and going and searching everywhere all day. And they still are.

Children, adults, humans, and not-so-human creatures. Everyone is here now to search.

 Realizing that all the gems they've been finding would be taken to the Sentinels, I went back to the Circle of Riches. The Sentinels had already transformed it! It was full of gifts from all sorts of creators around the galaxy.

I had a new found sense of relief slowly rush over me. My mission is now shared with many people. Dandelions-- that's what Enersi called them. People called to come to Willowvale to search for gems. People meant to help and be a part of this land. Willowvale is now filled with Dandelions, working together to fulfill its needs. 

I suppose its time to start cashing in all the gems I've been finding... I'll document all the loot I acquire next time! Until then.

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Not the only one

I jumped into the marsh where I thought I saw someone moving around. Without a thought, I pushed aside the reeds, deeper into the muddy pudd...