Thursday 13 July 2017

The Search Begins

The Sentinels were clear about one thing: they need help finding these... gems. Everything else, though, is still so confusing. I have so many questions, but I know I'm here for a reason. I also know I can trust the creatures here, at least a little bit. So, I took off my disguise and came up with a plan.

I went back to the girl I met when I first mysteriously appeared here, in this land called Willowvale. She told me her name is Enersi. "I didn't know how much I could tell you. I figured Minnoh and the Sentinels would be the best ones to explain this place. Minnoh was the first creature the Mothers of Willowvale rescued. And you know, the Sentinels need help."

She gave me something I am not sure if I should discuss in this journal, in case it falls into the wrong hands... I'm still not sure if everyone here is good, although I feel strongly like everyone I've met is friendly. Anyway, the thing she gave me is a sort of talisman, an eye piece of strange technology. She called it the Eye of Willowvale.

What is it though? Where did you get it? What does it do?!

"Woah! Too many questions I don't know the answer to. All I know is that the gems the Sentinels need help finding, they have some sort of power that is hard to contain. This eye thingy helps you gather and store the gems' power."

Must be alien tech, or fairy... 

"Anyway, Orion. Are you listening? I have a gem for you." This pulled me out of examining the strange eye piece.  A gem!? You have one!?

"They've been appearing all over the land. Many of us have found one. Some of the creatures have been gathering them... not sure why. I don't like the way they make me feel. But there's something about them that make you want to protect them, keep them safe. Since the Sentinels have asked you to help them find the gems, you should take this one."

She gave me the gem she had found. She's right, they have a strange, conflicting feeling. She's also right that the Eye of Willowvale captures their power. It seems to activate when you hold a gem. I'm still unsure what it will mean as I gather more gems. And it was in that moment, when Enersi gave me my first gem that I knew what I would be doing in my time at Willowvale. So I set off back down the path. I visited my friend Minnoh first.

"MINNOH!" the thunderous voice echoed past me as I approached him. His toothy smile looked menacing at first, but his eyes sparkled joy. He put me on the wide horns on his head, thundering what seemed to be laughter. In my mind, I heard his voice, "I'm so glad you stayed, little one. I know this land and its brethren can seem scary and big, but you must feel its true spirit. We are a family, odd but united."

There is something about Minnoh that makes me want to be in his presence always. But he encouraged me to continue searching the land, only after giving me a gem he had already acquired before my arrival. This became a trend, which I imagine will continue. I greet a creature and they produce a shiny, glowing gem for me to take. Or they have hidden some away, or have seen one somewhere. And so I searched and continued to find them.

I stopped in the tavern I avoided on my first day in this land. It was bright and cheery, though there were no customers when I arrived. Only the barkeeper was there. She was very... green. And quite funny. She seemed up for chatting so I asked her about the gems.

Do you know where they come from? Why does every creature know about them but they don't know what they are? Why do they feel strange? Have more people like me just randomly appeared in Willowvale?

"Honey, honey! Calm down. I've got no answers about crazy cosmic gems. I try to keep my nose out of business about strange glowing things. I might be green, but I want nothing to do with them. I'll stick to what I know, drinks and talk."

Despite her lack of helpfulness on the subject of gems and the intricacies of this land, I liked talking with Laverna. She really does have a knack for listening. She sent me to see some other people in hopes of having my questions answered. The first was Joan, the Securrer.

"You must be SO curious about this place. I can't imagine just walking into Willowvale and trying to take it all in. It feels like I've been doing this my whole life, going after a new creature, bringing them here. That's what Securrers do."

She told me so much more... so much that I don't think would be safe written down-- for now of course. What was becoming very clear was that these gems are not in short supply. Everyone had at least one, except the Sentinels, that is. Even this little guy had a gem!

It felt like I could search this vast land for days and keep finding gems. But, I had too many questions, not enough answers, and very little guidance. So, after finding a half dozen gems, I made my way to the Sentinels. I needed to understand this mission a little better. First and foremost, just how many of these things do they need!?

"And who are you?!" one boomed down at me when I arrived.  I am Orion of the Stars, remember? You sent me to get your gems...

"The little furry creature!" interrupted the other when his counterpart was still not understanding.  "Although, he appears quite hairless today..."

Yes, yes. You thought I was a bear or something. I told you I wasn't! I'm back with some gems.

"Oh! wow! I can feel so many. But I am sure we will need much more."

How many do you need though?

"It is unknown at this time, how much gem power will be required to fuel our ship. Continue to collect and when you've collected what we need, we will reward you here, at the Circle of Riches."

The Circle of Riches glows brightly, which distracted me for a moment before I could follow up on what he had said.

But I need a goal... how will I know if I am collecting too little, or too much? 

"It is unknown at this time, how much gem power will be required to fuel our ship. Continue to collect and report back to us."

The conversation went on like this for a few more minutes before I realized my questions to them were futile. Does anyone really understand what is going on here!? The Sentinels explained that there are clever and wise creatures in Willowvale who may know more about the gems and the importance of the land itself. They believe that there are things beneath the water in the Mystic Marsh, that there are creatures hiding in the mountains. They do not venture too far for fear of being outnumbered or unprotected since most of their technology is faulty here. They are also afraid that the intensity of feelings in Willowvale and especially the gems will hinder their ability to experience reality correctly.

"Many worries," the second Sentinel interrupted, "but not much evidence to prove either safety or futility."

So, maybe the Sentinels are not the wisest or most logical creatures here... So, I said my farewells and made up my mind. I will find the mysterious beings the Sentinels have not pursued. Maybe I can find someone to take me to the Mothers of Willowvale.

Just as I had these determined thoughts, movement caught my eye on the path. In the marsh, something--someone?-- moved. There! The water rings from the splash were still spreading from a spot near a sunken log...

I couldn't help myself. Off I went into the Mystic Marsh.

(to be continued!)

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